Photo-graphics. Artistic Photography in Poland 1927-1978 Exhibitions
The Urban Seedlings Public space Exhibitions
Space-Time of a Collection Exhibitions
Domus Baths Architecture Exhibitions
The Spatial Order Generator Strategies Exhibitions
Municipal Art Center in Gorzow Interior design Exhibitions
Warsaw Under Construction Festival 9. A Step Forward Public space Exhibitions
Dizziness Exhibitions
A Room and a Half Exhibitions
The power of the avant-garde Exhibitions
Warsaw Under Contruction Festival 8. Home at Last Exhibitions
Warsaw Under Construction Festival 8. PKiN Exhibitions
BWA Archives Interior design Exhibitions
Exhibition Pavilion Interior design Exhibitions
Soil and water Exhibitions
Atlas of Modernity in Łódź Exhibitions
Silesian Museum in Katowice Architecture Exhibitions
Schindler Award Architecture Public space Strategies Urbanism Exhibitions