Our project for the entrance zone to Stogi beach got an award!
Our project for the entrance zone to Stogi beach got an award!
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We have received a mention in the architectural and urban planning competition of the City of Gdansk for the entrance zone to the Stogi Beach.
The jury appreciated our ‘courageous spatial concept that combines all volumetric elements in the area of the study into one characteristic form. It creates a new element strongly identifying the place. The homogeneity of the mass has been contrasted with the diversity of functions both inside the building and within its surroundings’.
We aimed at creating a linear composition of the new development, referring to the horizontal layout of the landscape: the sea, the line of the beach and the dunes, hence the common silhouette of the objects with a clear axial slit.
Congratulations to all the awarded teams and to our creative crew: Mateusz Adamczyk, Agata Woźniczka (BUDCUD) and Piotr Zabłocki.