kes system headquarters shelter c0.,ltd
public space, recreation, housing
around 50 sqm
Budcud: Mateusz Adamczyk, Agata Woźniczka
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In our childhood we dream a lot. One of those dreams is to live in a tree, high in the sky and close to nature. Shelter project helps its inhabitants escape from the mundane city into the wilderness. The new house is vertical – it is a plant-like structure consisting of trunk/core and leaves/platforms. The house is in harmonious symbiosis with its surroundings, mimicking he environment and learning from it to find a balance and optimal position.

In a crisis situation, such as flood or drought, the structure is flexible enough to counterbalance the power of nature. The shelter is man-made, but seems to be a part of lush, wild environment. The core is a heart of the house; it supplies all the needed facilities necessary for modern dwellers: from wi-fi to potable water and light. Its platforms of various sizes serve as stairs or a place to seat, look around, relax.

If you are sleepy, you could bend a platform around like your bespoke bedclothes. You could just climb onto it and relax while charging your mobile device or you could simply stay there as long as you want. The structure is open, so you are all welcome!